Weather Underground
US and international weather information. Clickable maps for Temperature, Radar Map, Visibility, Wind, Heat Index, Windchill, Humidity, Dewpoint. Rain or Shine
Find the current and forcast weather for over 800 US and international cities. US temperature forecast, satellite, and Nexrad radar maps. Useful and entertaining information from the Old Farmers Almanac. Intellicast
NBC's national weather and ski information page. National Weather Service
This is one of our favorite Weather Information resources. This site gives
up to the minute weather advisories, satellite images, weather videos, and
much, much more. The Weather Channel
The Internet edition of The Weather Channel. Check out the current
weather warnings, statistics, and forecasts. The
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Weather World
Integrates current and archived weather
data (images & text) with instructional resources (modules &
curriculum) using innovative technologies (new navigation,
multiple interfaces).